10 ways to prevent prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. It even is the second most deadly cancer. But there are some fun ways to do men to prevent prostate cancer.How to prevent a disease usually confine themselves to be able to do something fun, such as reducing consumption of red meat, fried foods or other things that became a favorite with many orang.ada some way to prevent prostate cancer is still engrossing, among others:
. Eating tomato marinara sauce1
The main ingredient of the marinara sauce is a tomato that is a source of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in men.
Tomato is just one of several anti-cancer foods prostate is unknown. But make creative food combinations with marinara sauce ingredients is a fun way to be able to prevent prostate cancer.
2. Masturbation
Many studies in recent years beberaoa did show that masturbation may protect against prostate cancer. This is especially for men over the age of 40 years.
But the key to prostate cancer prevented was not masturbation itself, but in the process of ejaculation. Ejaculation allows the semen that may be carcinogenic.
So with a good ejaculation from intercourse with a partner or masturbation, the body can perform the cleaning process and the expenditure of toxic substances through the medium of sperm.
3. An energetic dance
Not a secret that exercise is one of the most powerful ways to prevent disease. Exercise can improve circulation, immune system and increase energy. But not all people have enough motivation to exercise.
So one way to replace the sports movement is dance. Dance movements can combine a fun sport and movement.
4. Eating a bowl of cereal with soy milk in front of the television
Use the time to eat breakfast as a healthy and enjoyable. Breakfast with a healthy breakfast, high-fiber cereal and replace cow milk with soy milk. Soybeans contain active ingredients that can fight prostate cancer.

5. Choose foods that are healthy
There is some evidence that choosing a healthy diet low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, although results do not always agree. If you want to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, consider trying
6. Drinking green tea.
Study of men who drink green tea or taking green tea extract as supplements have found a reduced risk of prostate cancer. If you want to drink tea, consider choosing green tea.
7. Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
If you choose to drink alcohol, limit yourself to no more than a drink or two every day. There is no clear evidence that drinking alcohol can affect the risk of prostate cancer, but studies that found a man who drinks a few hours every day for years had an increased risk.
8. Maintain a healthy weight
Men with a body mass index (BMI) 30 or higher is considered obese. Being obese increases the risk of prostate cancer. If you are overweight or obese, work to lose weight. You can do this by reducing the number of calories you eat each day and increase the amount of exercise you do.
If you have a healthy weight, work to maintain it by exercising the day of the week and choose a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and grains.
9. Eat fish.
Fatty fish - like salmon, sardines, tuna, and trout - contain fatty acids called omega-3 which has been associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer. If you currently do not eat fish, try adding to your diet.
see also,
- Know what it is prostate cancer
- Symptoms and signs of prostate cancer
- Handling and treatment of prostate cancer
- Prevent Prostate Cancer
- The cause of prostate cancer
Thanks For Read ^_^
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