What is Liver Cancer and Type??
Liver cancer is cancer that occurs in cells - cancer cells. Liver cancer will grow like the ball of the foot that is located in the upper right abdomen, below the diaphragm and above the stomach.
Type of Liver Cancer
Liver is one of the vital organs in the body that plays a major role in a person's survival. The most important function of the liver is distributing vitamins and nutrients throughout the body, produce proteins that will clean the blood, and remove toxins from the body.
There are two types of liver cancer that could potentially attack the liver:
1. Primary Liver Cancer
Primary Liver Cancer, which is derived from the liver cancer cells - heart cells, divided by type of cells that become cancerous. This type of liver cancer are:
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is a common type of cancer hatiyang good in children.
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is a common type of cancer hatiyang good in children.
Both children and adults. It originated from hepatocytes, the main type of liver cells.
- Cholangiocarcinoma. This type of cancer originates from a small channel-like duct in the liver.
- Hepatoblastoma. Type of liver cancer is rare and more often in children - children under 4 years. Most children.children who experience success in the treat hepatoblastoma
- Angiosarcoma or hemangiosarcoma. This type of liver cancer is very rare and originated from the heart and blood vessels to grow very fast.
2. Metastasized cancer
Cancer that attacks the liver is derived from cancer cells that form in other organs. He attacks the liver because the liver principle that filter the blood of toxins and viruses. The organs which cancer cells grow into place including: colon, pancreas, stomach, and chest.
Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer Liver
Liver cancer risk factor is people - people who have a lifetime risk for developing liver cancer if you have one or a few factors. Factors namely:
-- The male gender. Male gender is more prone to develop liver cancer compared with women.
-- Chronic infection with hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Chronic infection by hepatitis B and hepatitis C are at risk of developing liver cancer.

-- Cirrhosis is a condition of liver cell structure that turns into scar tissue and is unable to perform its functions. Cirrhosis occurs in many patients with hepatitis B and hepatitis C and alcohol.
-- Derivative liver disease. Some diseases are hereditary liver cancer may increase the risk of liver cancer include hemochromatosis, autoimmune hepatitis and Wilson disease.
--Diabetes. People with diabetes are at risk of suffering from liver cancer compared with people without diabetes.
-- Non-alcoholic fatty liver. The accumulation of fat in the liver may increase the risk of liver cancer.
-- Excessive alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption and continue to cause damage to cells - heart cells can not recover thereby increasing the risk of developing liver cancer.
-- Exposure to aflatoxin poison. Eating foods that contain fungus that produces aflatoxin poison prone to develop liver cancer.
-- Obesity. Obsitas have an increased risk of developing liver cancer, but very rarely.
see also,
- What is Liver Cancer and Type??
- 7 Sign and Symptons of Liver Cancer
- 8 of therapy and treatment of liver cancer
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