Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Liver cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer that begins as a malignant tumor in the heart tissue. Often referred to as Kaposi's heart, abnormal cells develop in certain parts of the heart more than others, such as the right atrium or along the outer layer of the heart, known as the pericardium. And much like a form of cancer, the symptoms will vary from person to person.

For some people with liver cancer, no symptoms will be realized at all, even at the final stage of the disease. This is mostly caused by cancerous tumors has never really affect the overall function of the organ. However, it is also quite possible that people who experience symptoms so subtle that they never cause any alarm. It is not until a routine check that the condition is diagnosed.

2. Painful
One of the more common symptoms of liver cancer is a pain. Pain is usually isolated to the chest, but also can diffuse into neighboring areas of the body. When the tumor grows, especially along the wall of the pericardium, can cause fluid to accumulate in the pericardial sac, which is a protective layer that surrounds the heart. Over time, the liquid can affect the way the heart pumps blood and actually ask for some degree of chest pain.

3. Asphyxiate
As the overall function of the heart is affected by the growth of cancer cells, may eventually take a toll on blood circulation, limiting the amount of oxygen through the entire body. With the reduction of elements in the system, respiration may be altered, triggering shortness of breath or feeling a sensation described tele. If this condition continues, the person may become more easily tired or exhausted, not only from a very physical labor, but also day-to-day activities. 

4. Palpitations
It's also not uncommon to suffer from heart palpitations periodically during life with cardiac sarcomas. When tumors develop in any part of the heart, the way in which the muscles relax and contract can be affected, triggering a change in rhythm. It can be perceived as irregular heartbeat or uneven, as well as rapid pulse or palpitations.

5. Swelling
Other symptoms include swelling of liver cancer potency in the outer extremities of the body. This is usually an indication of some kind of obstruction in the liver, either limiting the intake or output of blood from a special vessel. Over time, fluid may begin to accumulate in the feet, ankles or lower legs. For others, it may even cause some distension (or swelling) in the abdominal region.

6. Blow
Although not necessarily as common as other symptoms of this condition, people may also suffer from a stroke due to a cardiac sarcoma. In this situation, the actual symptoms are the result of a portion of tumor escape from himself and created a blockage in blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. This limits the passage of blood, oxygen and nutrients to this area of ​​the body, causing the brain to react in this way.

7. Other symptoms
Other symptoms include loss of appetite, weakness and weight loss (particularly loss of muscle in the arms and legs), nausea, fever and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes). Stomach can also become swollen.

In later stages, liver cancer can cause pain in the upper abdomen or back. Since there are no nerves through the heart it means the pain is not felt in the heart but in the surrounding area due to distension, irritation or inflammation of the liver.

If you have any of the symptoms, but have not been diagnosed with this cancer, remember that it rarely happens, and your symptoms may be due to something else. However, your doctor if you have symptoms that last more than two weeks. Do not delay to consult a doctor if you have signs of jaundice or loss described in the arm and leg muscles.

See  Also,
  • What is Liver Cancer and Type??
  • 7 Sign and Symptons of  Liver Cancer
  • 8 of therapy and treatment of liver cancer

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