Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a disease where the skin loses its ability to regenerate and grow normally. Cells in normal healthy skin can regularly divide to replace dead skin cells and regenerate new skin. Abnormal cells can grow out of control and form tumors. The tumor is considered benign if limited to a few layers of skin only and does not invade surrounding tissues or organs. But if the tumor spreads or have the ability to spread to surrounding tissues or organs, the tumor is called malignant or cancerous.

In general there are three types of skin cancer are:

• Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) (BCC is a type of skin cancer most often occurs, basal cells beneath the outermost skin layer.

• Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of skin cancer are also the most common is the SCC, which is commonly found in cell squamus. SCC is similar to the BCC because it often appears on areas exposed to direct UV light like the skin on the face, scalp, neck, hands, arms, and legs.• Melanoma Melanoma skin cancers, including a rather rare, but this is the most dangerous. Melanoma appears at the bottom of the epidermis

Characteristics of the population with the greatest risk of skin cancer is if you have moles (moles) a lot, with white spots and easily burned by the sun and albino. In addition, residents who live in the area around the equator and working outside the building also have a high risk of skin cancer. Every 1 percent depletion of the ozone layer by pollution Clorofluoro Carbon (CFC) may increase the risk of skin cancer. BCC SCC 3 percent and about 1.7 percent.

Causes of Skin Cancer
Things that are suspected to be causing these skin cancers are: 

1. The age factorToday more and more people are affected by skin cancer. Most of their age is always 60 years and above. Although there is an age below 60 years, but the amount is very small.

2. Cigarettes and tobaccoThe smoke inhaled by the nose is also suspected to be one cause of skin cancer. This can occur not only in people who smoke but also people who do not smoke but inadvertently inhaling the smoke come out of cigarettes.

3. SunshineEspecially in the light of day. As we know, has a content of ultraviolet sunlight that is also believed to cause skin cancer. For it when out of space is recommended to use protective skin, for example clothes that are closed or umbrella.

4. ChemicalsCan occur in vegetables and fruits that use pesticides excessively. Likewise, foods that use chemical preservatives, as well as cosmetics or cosmetics that contain chemical substances are also quite high.

5. Bacteria and viruses or germsTo avoid the attack of bacteria, viruses and germs that cause skin cancer is to always maintain the cleanliness and not mutually partner during sexual intercourse.

6. HeredityIt's also still just speculation. Because of some people with skin cancer, having conducted a further search, it turns out there are parents or siblings who are both suffering from this disease.

Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight is the main cause of skin cancer. UV rays can damage the DNA that make up genes. If damage is severe enough genes, skin cells can grow uncontrollably and become irregular skin cancer. UV rays can cause sunburn and other damage which causes skin look old and wrinkled faster.However, skin cancer can also be caused due to heredity. That is because of the abnormal genes are passed down parent to child.

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